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Different Types of JOINS in SAP HANA

Hello everyone, in this SAP HANA Modeling tutorial, we will learn about Different Types of JOINS in SAP HANA. Lets get started.

A Join is used to connect tables in SAP HANA.Below are the different join types

Inner Join
Left Outer Join
Right Outer Join
Text Join
Referential Join
Temporal Join

1. Inner Join : This join type returns all the records when there is at least one match in both the tables.

2. Left Outer Join : This join type returns all the records from the left table and the matched rows from the right table.

3. Right Outer Join : This join type returns all the records from the right table and the matched rows from left table.

4. Text Join : This join type is used to get the language specific data from the text tables using the  language column-“SPRAS”. It is only available for Attribute Views.

5. Referential Join : This join type is similar to Inner join type, assuming referential integrity is maintained among the tables.Referential Integrity means, the left table always have a corresponding entry on the right table.

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