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Approve Master Data – Extended

功能描述:Approve Master Data – Extended

模块:Master Data Steward;
Required Back-End Product:
APP类型:Transactional(SAP Fiori (SAPUI5))
数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive

BSP组件及版本:UIMDG001 100


CONTROLLER extHookAddCCData S3.controller.js Allows you to add more data in different tabs or layouts
Customer can add more data in new tabs and layouts
CONTROLLER extHookAddPCData S3.controller.js Allows you to add more data in different tabs or layouts
Customer can add more data in new tabs and layouts
CONTROLLER extHookCCChangeQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCCCreateQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCCCustomService S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the serviceUrl
Customer can modify the service url to access his own service
CONTROLLER extHookCCFillDataForChangeLayout S3.controller.js Allows you to add data for new layout
Customer can add their own fields to new layout created for cost center change layout
CONTROLLER extHookCCModifyChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data to be shown in change data
Customer can modify the change data of a cost center by considering custom fields into it
CONTROLLER extHookChangeDescTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the description table
Customer can modify the description table by adding/deleting new columns or by influencing
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookChangeFooterButtons S3.controller.js Allows you to Modify the footer buttons
This hook method can be used to add and change buttons for the detail view footer
It is called when the decision options for the detail item are fetched successfully
CONTROLLER extHookChangeLayout S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookCreateDescTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the description table
Customer can modify the description table by adding/deleting new columns or by influencing
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookCustChangeAddressQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCustChangeCompCodeQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCustChangeGenQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCustChangeSalesQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCustCreateAddressQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCustCreateCompCodeQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCustCreateGenQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCustCreateSalesQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookCustCustomService S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the serviceUrl
Customer can modify the service url to access his own service
CONTROLLER extHookDetDescriptionTable CcDetail.controller.js Allows you to give an access to influence description table
Customer can modify the description table to modify the new fields
CONTROLLER extHookDunningTable CompanyCodeDetail.controller.js Allows you to Hook For Extending Dunning Table Template
Description on Controller Hook usage here.
This method is called when there are any enhancements for table with additional Columns
The hook must be documented like:
CONTROLLER extHookGetCustomFilter S2.controller.js Allows you to Hook For Tax Category Template
Description on Controller Hook usage here.
This method is called when there are any enhancements for table with additional Columns
The hook must be documented like:
CONTROLLER extHookGetEntitySetsToExpand S3.controller.js Allows you to Add additional entities related to the work item
This hook method can be used to add custom related entities to the expand list of the detail data request
It is called when the detail view is displayed and before the detail data fetch starts
CONTROLLER extHookHideCreateAddressSection S3.controller.js Allows you to delete the address section
Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this address section by
adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookHideCreateCommSection S3.controller.js Allows you to delete the address section
Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this communication section by
adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookHideDetailAddressSection CcDetail.controller.js Allows you to delete the address section
Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this address section by
adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookHideDetailCommSection CcDetail.controller.js Allows you to delete the address section
Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this communication section by
adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookHideDetailDimensionSection MatBasicDataDetails.controller.js
CONTROLLER extHookHidePCCreateCommSection S3.controller.js Allows you to delete the address section
Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this communication section by
adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookInitAdditionalTabs S3.controller.js Allows you to Initialize the custom tabs
added by the extension application.
This hook method can be used to initialize additional tabs of the tab bar from code.
It is called during S3 view initialization. The controller extension should obtain
references to the new tabs, which can be used later in the configureAdditionalTabs
hook method.
CONTROLLER extHookMatHideInspTypSection MatPlantStorageLoc.controller.js Allows you to modify the Inspection type data of the form to hide sections
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements after binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookMatHideMrpAreaSection MatPlantStorageLoc.controller.js Allows you to modify the MRP Area data of the form to hide sections
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements after binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookMatHidePlantGnrlDataSection MatPlantDetails.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form to hide sections
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements after binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookMatHidePrdVrsnSection MatPlantStorageLoc.controller.js Allows you to modify the Production Version data of the form to hide sections
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements after binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookMatHideStorgLocSection MatPlantStorageLoc.controller.js Allows you to modify the Storage Location data of the form to hide sections
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements after binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookMatmodifyPlantDetailsOnInit MatPlantDetails.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookMatmodifyPlantSubDetailsOnInit MatPlantStorageLoc.controller.js Allows you to modify the Plant Sub detail data of the form
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements after binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyBankDetailFormData BankDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyBankStyleClass BankDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyDetailFormData CcDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyERPCustDetailFormData ERPCustomerDetail.controller.js
CONTROLLER extHookModifyERPCustStyleClass ERPCustomerDetail.controller.js
CONTROLLER extHookModifyERPCustStyleClass ERPSupplierDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyGroupDetailFormData GeneralGroupDetail.controller.js Allows you to Implement a custom filter
This hook method can be used to replace the standard filter by a custom one based on the filterKey
It is called when a filter option is selected on the UI.
CONTROLLER extHookModifyGroupStyleClass GeneralGroupDetail.controller.js {object} result, {object} instance
CONTROLLER extHookModifyIAVDetailFormData IAVDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyIAVPersDetailFormData IAVPersDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyIdentificationDetailFormData IdentificationDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyIndustryDetailFormData IndustryDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyOrganizationDetailFormData GeneralOrgDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyOrganizationStyleClass GeneralOrgDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the document detail data
CONTROLLER extHookModifyPCCreateFormData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyPersonDetailFormData GeneralPersonDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyPersonStyleClass GeneralPersonDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyRelDetailFormData RelDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyRelationStyleClass RelDetail.controller.js Allows you to delete the address section
Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this address section by
adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookModifyRoleDetailFormData RoleDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyStyleClass CcDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyStyleClass CompanyCodeDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyStyleClass DunningDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyStyleClass ExtendedTaxDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyStyleClass SalesDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyTaxDetailFormData TaxDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyWPAddressDetailFormData WPAddress.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyWPAddressStyleClass WPAddress.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookModifyWPTableFormData RelDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModityCreateFormData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookPCChangeCompCodeTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the company code table
Customer can modify the description table by adding/deleting new columns or by influencing
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookPCChangeDescTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the description table
Customer can modify the description table by adding/deleting new columns or by influencing
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookPCChangeLayout S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookPCChangeQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookPCCreateCompCodeTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the company code table
Customer can modify the description table by adding/deleting new columns or by influencing
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookPCCreateDescTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the description table
Customer can modify the description table by adding/deleting new columns or by influencing
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookPCCreateQuery S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the query
Customer can modify the query string to fetch the entity data that he/she needs
CONTROLLER extHookPCCustomService S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the serviceUrl
Customer can modify the service url to access his own service
CONTROLLER extHookPCFillDataForChangeLayout S3.controller.js Allows you to add data for new layout
Customer can add their own fields to new layout created for cost center change layout
CONTROLLER extHookPCHideCreateAddressSection S3.controller.js Allows you to delete the address section
Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this address section by
adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookPCHideDetailAddressSection PcDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookPCHideDetailCommSection PcDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookPCModifyChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data to be shown in change data
Customer can modify the change data of a profit center by considering custom fields into it
CONTROLLER extHookPCModifyDetailFormData PcDetail.controller.js Allows you to delete the address section
Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this communication section by
adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookPCModifyStyleClass PcDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookPartnerFuncTable SalesDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookRouteToCustomDetailView S3.controller.js Allows you to navigate to a new view defined by customer
Customer can navigate to his custom detail views by using the existing router
CONTROLLER extHookSupplierCustomService S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the serviceUrl for Supplier Service
Customer can modify the service url to access his own service
CONTROLLER extHookTaxCategoryTable SalesDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the detail basic data of material in create and change scenario
CONTROLLER extHookWithhldTable CompanyCodeDetail.controller.js Allows you to Hook For Extending Withholding Tax Table Template
Description on Controller Hook usage here.
This method is called when there are any enhancements for table with additional Columns
The hook must be documented like:
CONTROLLER extHookccustHookOrgResChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookAddressTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookBankChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookBankValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookChangeGroupData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookChangeOrgData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCompCodeChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCompCodeValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCompanyValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCreateDunning S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCreateGroupData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCreateMultAssign S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCreateOrgData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCreatePersonData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCreateSalesArea S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookCreateWithTax S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookDeleteData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookDunningChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookERPCustChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookErpCustomerValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookGroupResChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookIdentificationChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookIdentificationValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookIndusValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookIndustryChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookModifyCustChangeComp S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookModifyCustChangeGen S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookModifyCustChangeSales S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookModifyCustCreateComp S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookModifyCustCreateGen S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookModifyCustCreateSales S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookPFChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookPersonChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookPersonResChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookRelValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookRoleChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookRoleValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookSalesChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookSalesValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookTaxChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookTaxClassChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookTaxValueTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookWithTaxChangeData S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookgetAddrUsageTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookgetAddressTableTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookgetChangeTableTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookgetDunningTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookgetObsoleteTableTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookgetPartnerFuncTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookgetTableTemplate S3.controller.js Allows you to modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookcustHookremovelayout S3.controller.js Allows you to add a new layout
Customer can add a new layout and can instantiate the table within this layout
CONTROLLER extHookdisplayCompCodedata CompanyCodeDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify and bind the results of the OData service
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form or Table
CONTROLLER extHookdisplayDunningData DunningDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify and bind the results of the OData service
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form or Table
CONTROLLER extHookdisplaySaleData SalesDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify the style class
Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields
the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookdisplayWithhldTaxData ExtendedTaxDetail.controller.js Allows you to modify and bind the results of the OData service
Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form

本站为个人博客网站,全由我个人维护,我从事SAP开发13年,其它ERP开发7年,基本都是零售行业。本站记录工作学习的过程, 有SAP相关询问专、兼职工作可随时联系我。 有网站相关的问题可直接在文章下方留言,或者联系我。 邮件:yan252@163.com给我。 QQ:415402519



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