功能描述:Transportation Cost by Weight and Distance
模块:Transportation Manager (TM);
版本:SAP Transportation Management
Required Back-End Product:
APP类型:Analytical(SAP Smart Business generic Drill Down App)
数据库支持类型:HANA DB or HANA side-by-side
BSP组件及版本:UISAPUI5 100/SAP_UI 740
The system calculates the transportation cost by weight and distance for each transport (divides the cost of each transport by the product of weight and distance transported). The final figure is the average transportation cost by weight and distance for all transports. In the generic drill down, you can display cost by weight and distance for the year to date, or for the last five quarters, and filter, for example, on the following data: Transportation Mode CategoryInvoicing PartyConsigneePurchasing Organization You can drill down, for example, by the following categories: By QuarterBy Country (Purchasing Organization)By Transportation ModeBy Invoicing Party
摘要:The analytical app displays the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Transportation Cost by Weight and Distance. You can view the cost for transportation with respect to total weight transported and distance covered for the year to date. As the system contains invoices for different countries in different currencies, you can choose the currency (and exchange rate) you want to use to display the cost figure.The system calculates the transportation cost by weight and distance for each transport (divides the cost of each transport by the product of weight and distance transported). The final figure is the average transportation cost by weight and distance for all transports. In the generic drill down, you can display cost by weight and distance for the year to date, or for the last five quarters, and filter, for example, on the following data: Transportation Mode CategoryInvoicing PartyConsigneePurchasing Organization You can drill down, for example, by the following categories: By QuarterBy Country (Purchasing Organization)By Transportation ModeBy Invoicing Party