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Quotation Conversion Rates

功能描述:Quotation Conversion Rates

模块:Internal Sales Representative;
Required Back-End Product:Sales
APP类型:Analytical(SAP Smart Business generic Drill Down App)
数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive

BSP组件及版本:UIS4HOP1 200

Aerospace and Defense,Automotive,Banking,Chemicals,Consumer Products,Cross Industry,Engineering, Construction and Operations,High Tech,Higher Education and Research,Industrial Machinery and Components,Insurance,Life Sciences,Media,Mill Products,Mining,Oil and Gas,Professional Services,Retail,Sports and Entertainment,Telecommunications,Travel and Transportation,Utilities,Wholesale Distribution

Calculation rule: The KPI measures the percentage of the net value of orders that have been converted from a quotation, based on the total net value of the quotation. The KPI only considers quotations that meet the following criteria:Status is not completedValid on the current dateFull quantity has not been referenced completelyTotal net value > 0 View quotation conversion rates The tile displays the overall conversion rate of your quotations. In the app, you can drill down to quotation conversion rates by: Sales organizationCustomerEmployee responsibleTop 10 quotations by net valueBottom 10 quotations by conversion rate View the top 10 quotations by net value You can analyze to what extent your 10 quotations with the highest net values are being referenced within the validity period. View the bottom 10 quotations by conversion rate You can quickly identify the 10 quotations that are being referenced the least, especially the ones that are on the verge of expiring.Navigate to quotation related apps with necessary authorizations.This app uses the C_SLSQTANCONVERSIONRATEQ CDS view.

摘要:This analytical app displays the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Quotation Conversion Rates, which indicates the percentage of the net value of orders that have been converted from a quotation, based on the total net value of the quotation. As an internal sales representative or a sales manager, you can use Quotation Conversion Rates to track to what extent your quotations are being referenced before expiring. Calculation rule: The KPI measures the percentage of the net value of orders that have been converted from a quotation, based on the total net value of the quotation. The KPI only considers quotations that meet the following criteria:Status is not completedValid on the current dateFull quantity has not been referenced completelyTotal net value > 0 View quotation conversion rates The tile displays the overall conversion rate of your quotations. In the app, you can drill down to quotation conversion rates by: Sales organizationCustomerEmployee responsibleTop 10 quotations by net valueBottom 10 quotations by conversion rate View the top 10 quotations by net value You can analyze to what extent your 10 quotations with the highest net values are being referenced within the validity period. View the bottom 10 quotations by conversion rate You can quickly identify the 10 quotations that are being referenced the least, especially the ones that are on the verge of expiring.Navigate to quotation related apps with necessary authorizations.This app uses the C_SLSQTANCONVERSIONRATEQ CDS view.

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