Hello every one, in this tutorial you will learn how to install SAP Web IDE Personal Edition on to local desktop/laptops.
SAP Web IDE is web-based development tool used to create and extend SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori user applications for browser and mobile devices. It simplifies the application development by providing different wizard templates, plugins etc. SAP Web IDE is available as as trail/productive in HANA Cloud Platform(HCP) and local as SAP Web IDE Personal Edition.
3.SAP Web IDE Personal Edition
It is personal edition released by SAP which can be installed on personal workstations for local development. Its main intention is to provide developers a local IDE for testing and non-productive purpose.
4.System Prerequisite
Microsoft Windows (7 or 8)
Mac OS (>9)
64-bit JRE Version 7 (or) higher
5.Installation Procedure
1. Go to
software to unzip the file.
3. Now double click on the orion.exe file to run the Orion Server. If you have followed the document, you can find the orion.exe file here C:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse. You will see the below screen, if server started successfully.
4. Launch SAP Web IDE personal edition via the URL