After understanding about User Exits in SAP ABAP. Now we will learn next enhancement concept called Customer Exits which are released after user exits.
What are Customer Exits in SAP ABAP?
Customer Exits are like hooks to the SAP standard programs. You don’t require an access key to write the code.Modification of SAP standard program/include is not required like in User Exits.These exits do not have any functionality and are empty, we can add our business logic to meet client requirements. Customer Exits may not be available for all programs but most of the programs have it.
User Exits are modification to SAP standard but Customer Exits are not. Prefer Customer Exits compared to User Exits. Below reason justifies that
Customer Exits do not affect standard SAP code and software updates. There are several types of customer exits and they are.
Function Module Exits
Menu Exits
Screen Exits
Each of these acts as hooks to the standard code and custom functionality will be hanged to these hooks.
Function Module Exits: This is one of the form how customer exits in SAP system.An empty Functional module with include in it will be created and called by the SAP. We just need to write the code inside this functional module as per our business functionality.The syntax how SAP calls these Functional Module Exits is.
Naming Convention of Functional Module Exits will look like below
Prefix: EXIT
Name: Name of the program which is calling the Function Module
Suffix: 3-digit number
Menu Exits: If you want to add any extra menu items to existing standard menu we can use Menu Exits.SAP defined these menu exits in Menu Painter.These special menus will have function codes that begin with “+” . You can use these menu items to call a program or screens. For example
+CUS(function code)
[adsenseyu1]Screen Exits: Screen exits can be used to add custom fields to the standard screens.Let us how it is possible- SAP creates screen exits by placing subscreen areas in a standard screen. You can use this subscreen area to place a subscreen with custom fields by implementing the screen exits.The subscreen is called during the screen flow of main screen with following syntax
All these exits are bundled and delivered by sap under SAP Enhancements. Each Enhancement can contain many individual exits Transaction code to access these enhancements is SMOD. To use these exits you need to implement the project.