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Approve Master Data

功能描述:Approve Master Data

模块:Master Data Steward;
Required Back-End Product:
APP类型:Transactional(SAP Fiori (SAPUI5))
数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive

BSP组件及版本:UIMDG001 100


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本站为个人博客网站,全由我个人维护,我从事SAP开发13年,其它ERP开发7年,基本都是零售行业。本站记录工作学习的过程, 有SAP相关询问专、兼职工作可随时联系我。 有网站相关的问题可直接在文章下方留言,或者联系我。 邮件:yan252@163.com给我。 QQ:415402519



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CONTROLLER extHookDetDescriptionTable CcDetail.controller.js To give an access to influence description table Customer can modify the description table to modify the new fields
CONTROLLER extHookGetCustomFilter S2.controller.js Replace the standard filter by a custom one
CONTROLLER extHookHideDetailAddressSection CcDetail.controller.js To delete the address section Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this address section by adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookHideDetailCommSection CcDetail.controller.js To delete the address section Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this communication section by adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookInitAdditionalTabs S3.controller.js Initialize additional tabs
CONTROLLER extHookModifyDetailFormData CcDetail.controller.js To modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookModifyStyleClass CcDetail.controller.js To modify the style class Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields the format of data shown in this description table
CONTROLLER extHookPCHideDetailAddressSection PcDetail.controller.js To delete the address section Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this address section by adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookPCHideDetailCommSection PcDetail.controller.js To delete the address section Customer can add their own fields to influence hiding of this communication section by adjusting the fields in the IF condition
CONTROLLER extHookPCModifyDetailFormData PcDetail.controller.js To modify the data of the form if it is not done via direct binding Customer can modify the data as per his requirements before binding it to a form
CONTROLLER extHookPCModifyStyleClass PcDetail.controller.js To modify the style class Customer can modify the style class to influence text fields the format of data shown in this description table
VIEW ChangeCompCodeTable GLAccountChange.fragment.xml Allows you to extend GL Change Company Code Table
VIEW ChangeCompCodeTable GLAccountDetails.fragment.xml Allows you to extend GL Company Code Change Table
VIEW ChangeCostElTable GLAccountChange.fragment.xml Allows you to extend GL Cost Element Table
VIEW ChangeCostElTable GLAccountDetails.fragment.xml Allows you to extend GL Cost Element Change
VIEW CustomerExtensionForAdditionalTabs Controllingareaicon.fragment.xml Allows you to extend tab bar with additional tabs
VIEW CustomerExtensionForObjectHeader S3.view.xml Allows you to extend Sales Details PageHeader
VIEW CustomerExtensionForObjectListItem S2.view.xml Allows you to extend header section
VIEW ProfitCenter.fragment.xml ProfitCenter.fragment.xml Extends profit center attachments tab
VIEW SAttachmentSupplier Supplier.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Icon Tab
VIEW extAccountControl ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend ReferenceData
VIEW extAccountControl ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Procurement Monitoring INFORMATIONS
VIEW extAddrTaxTable AddrTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Tax Number table
VIEW extAddrUsgAttrHeader AddressUsages.view.xml Allows you to extend Bank Detail header
VIEW extAddressCreateTable AddressesTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Address table
VIEW extAddressUsages Address.view.xml Allows you to extend Telephone Numbers table
VIEW extAddressUsagesTable AddressUsagesTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Address Usages table
VIEW extAdmineData ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend AccountControl of ERP Customer
VIEW extAdmineData ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend AccountControl
VIEW extAlternativePayer ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend PaymentTransac form
VIEW extAlternativePayer ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend PaymentTransac form
VIEW extAttributes ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Condition Groups
VIEW extBankData BankDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Bank Form for Create and Change scenario
VIEW extBankDetails BankDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Bank Data's Form for Create and Change scenario
VIEW extBankTable BankTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Bank table
VIEW extCAttachmentCustomer Customer.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Attachments section Tab
VIEW extCCCDataSection Customer.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Company Code section Tab
VIEW extCGeneralDataSection Customer.fragment.xml Allows you to extend General section Tab
VIEW extCNotes Customer.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Notes section Tab
VIEW extCPDetails RelDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Relations Simple Form
VIEW extChangeDelTableColumns ObsoleteDataTable.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Table columns of a change table
VIEW extChangeTableColumns Tablereuse.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Table columns of a change table
VIEW extChangeTableColumns TablereuseNoMerge.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Tax table
VIEW extCompCodeAccountinginfo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Accounting Information
VIEW extCompCodeAutomaticTransactionInfo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Automatic Payment Transaction Information
VIEW extCompCodeCorrespondanceInfo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Correspondance Information
VIEW extCompCodeDescriptionTable DescriptionTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend column of a CompanyCode Description Table
VIEW extCompCodeDunningData CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Dunning Data
VIEW extCompCodeExportCreditInfo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Export Credit Insurance Information
VIEW extCompCodeIntrestCalcInfo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Intrest Calculation Information
VIEW extCompCodePaymentNoticeTo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Payment Notice To
VIEW extCompCodePaymntAdviseInfo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Payment Advise Information
VIEW extCompCodePaymntDataInfo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Payment Data Information
VIEW extCompCodeReferenceDataInfo CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Referance Data information
VIEW extCompCodeSimpleForm CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend CompanyCode SimpleForm
VIEW extCompCodeSuppAautomaticPaymnt SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Invoice Verification
VIEW extCompCodeSuppAccontingInfo SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Interest Calculation INFORMATIONS
VIEW extCompCodeSuppCorrespondance SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Dunning Data
VIEW extCompCodeSuppDunningData SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend CompanyCode SimpleForm
VIEW extCompCodeSuppIntrestCalc SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend With Holding Tax
VIEW extCompCodeSuppInvVerification SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Correspondence INFORMATIONS
VIEW extCompCodeSuppPaymentData SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Automatic Payment 事务(transactions) INFORMATIONS
VIEW extCompCodeSuppReferenceData SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Payment Data INFORMATIONS
VIEW extCompCodeSuppWithTax SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Reference Data INFORMATIONS
VIEW extCompCodeinformation CompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Company Code Information
VIEW extConditionGroups ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend PaymentTransac form
VIEW extCustomerTabBar Customer.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Icon Tab
VIEW extDunningAreaTable DunningTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend column of a Dunning Area Table
VIEW extEMailAddresses Address.view.xml Allows you to extend URL table
VIEW extErpCustomerAddForm ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend ERP Supplier Detail header
VIEW extErpCustomerAddForm ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Relationship workplace addresses table
VIEW extErpCustomerTable ERPCustomerCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Erp Customer table
VIEW extErpSupplierTable ERPSupplierCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Erp Customer table
VIEW extExpClassification ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Usage form
VIEW extExpClassification ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Extension Point to add Forms in Export Data
VIEW extFaxNumbers Address.view.xml Allows you to extend E Mail Addresses table
VIEW extFormGeneralGrp GroupFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend BP General Group Form in fragment
VIEW extFormGeneralOrg OrganizationFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend BP Organization Form in fragment
VIEW extFormGeneralPerson PersonFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend BP General Person Form in fragment
VIEW extGFGeneral GroupFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend General in BP Group Form in fragment
VIEW extGFGroupData GroupFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend BP Person Details for Group Form in fragment
VIEW extGGeneral GeneralGroupDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend BP Person Details for Person Form in Change View
VIEW extGroupData GeneralGroupDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend BP Group Form in Change View
VIEW extIAVDetailHeader IAVDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Bank Form for Create and Change scenario
VIEW extIAVPersDetailHeader IAVPersDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Bank Form for Create and Change scenario
VIEW extIAV_O Address.view.xml Allows you to extend International Address Version for Person
VIEW extIAV_P Address.view.xml Allows you to extend Address Usages Page Header
VIEW extIconTabFilterForm2 SalesTableS4.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Conditions
VIEW extIdentificationAddTables IdentificationDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Industry Detail header
VIEW extIdentificationTable IdentificationTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Identification table
VIEW extIndustryAddTables IndustryDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend profit center page for details view
VIEW extIndustryTable IndustryTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Industry table
VIEW extKeyFigures ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Marketing form
VIEW extMarkClassification ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend KeyFigures
VIEW extMobileNumbers Address.view.xml Allows you to extend Fax Numbers table
VIEW extOFGeneral OrganizationFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend General in BP Organization Form in fragment
VIEW extOFOrganizationalData OrganizationFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend BP Organization Details for Organization Form in fragment
VIEW extOGeneral GeneralOrgDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend BP Organization Details for Organization
VIEW extOrganizationalData GeneralOrgDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend BP Organization Form in Change View
VIEW extPFGeneral PersonFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend General in BP Person Form in fragment
VIEW extPFPersonalData PersonFormCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend BP Person Details for Person Form in fragment
VIEW extPGeneral GeneralPersonDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend BP Person Details for Person Form in Change View
VIEW extPayment事务(transactions) ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend AlternativePayer
VIEW extPayment事务(transactions) ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend AlternativePayer
VIEW extPersonalData GeneralPersonDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend BP Person Form in Change View
VIEW extProcurementMonitoring ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Reference Data
VIEW extPurchaseCreateTable PurchaseTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Address table
VIEW extPurchaseDetailCreateTable PurchasingDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Purchase table
VIEW extReferenceData ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Tax Information
VIEW extReferenceData ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend reference Data form
VIEW extRelDetails RelDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Relationship Contact person details form
VIEW extRelationsTable RelationsTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Relations table
VIEW extRelationtables RelDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Role Detail header
VIEW extRoleAddTables RoleDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend list item "Comment line"
VIEW extRoleTable RoleTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Role table
VIEW extSCCDataSection Supplier.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Purchase section Tab
VIEW extSGeneralDataSection Supplier.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Company Code section Tab
VIEW extSNotes Supplier.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Attachments section Tab
VIEW extSPurchaseDataSection Supplier.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Notes section Tab
VIEW extSalesAccountInfo SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Account Information
VIEW extSalesAgencyBusiness SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Agency Business
VIEW extSalesBillingDoc SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Billing Document
VIEW extSalesCustSalesArea SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Customer Sales Area
VIEW extSalesCustomerGroups SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Customer Groups
VIEW extSalesDataSection Customer.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Sales section Tab
VIEW extSalesDetailCreateTable SalesCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Purchase table
VIEW extSalesDetailHeader SalesDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Conditions
VIEW extSalesPartialDelivery SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Partial Deliveries
VIEW extSalesPartnerFuncTable SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend column of a Partner Function Table
VIEW extSalesPaymentAdviseNotes SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Payment Advise Notes
VIEW extSalesPricingStatistics SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Pricing/Statistics
VIEW extSalesSalesOrderInfo SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Sales Order Information
VIEW extSalesShipping SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Shipping
VIEW extSalesSimpleForm SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Customer Sales Area
VIEW extSalesTaxIndicatorTable SalesDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend column of a Tax Indicator Table
VIEW extSimpleFormAdditionalData ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend ControlData form
VIEW extSimpleFormBank BankDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Company Code Detail PageHeader
VIEW extSimpleFormBank IAVDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Bank Detail header
VIEW extSimpleFormBank IAVPersDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Identification Detail header
VIEW extSimpleFormControlData ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Extension Point to add forms in ERP Customer View
VIEW extSimpleFormControlData ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend ERP Supplier Detail
VIEW extSimpleFormExportData ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Attributes
VIEW extSimpleFormExportData ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend ControlData form
VIEW extSimpleFormGeneralGroup GeneralGroupDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend BP Organization Detail header
VIEW extSimpleFormGeneralOrg GeneralOrgDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend BP Person Detail header
VIEW extSimpleFormGeneralPerson GeneralPersonDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Company Code Detail PageHeader
VIEW extSimpleFormMarketing ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Export Classification
VIEW extSimpleFormPaymentTransac ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend MarkClassification
VIEW extSimpleFormPaymentTransac ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend ERP Supplier Classification
VIEW extSimpleFormPurchase PurchasingDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Purchase SimpleForm
VIEW extSimpleFormReferenceData ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Tax Information
VIEW extSimpleFormRel RelDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Relationship workplace addresses table
VIEW extSimpleFormTaxInformation ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Payment事务(transactions)
VIEW extSimpleFormTaxInformation ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Payment事务(transactions)
VIEW extSimpleFormWPAddress WPAddress.view.xml Allows you to extend Workplace Telephone numbers table
VIEW extSimpleSuppFormExTax SuppExtendedTaxDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Tax Detail header
VIEW extSimpleSuppFormSubrange SubRangeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Purchase table
VIEW extSimpleSuppFormSubrange SubRangeDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Extended With Holding Tax Type
VIEW extSubRangeCreateTable SubRangeTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend General section Tab
VIEW extSubRangeTable ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Extended Withholding Tax Detail PageHeader
VIEW extSuppCompCodeinformation SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Accounting Information
VIEW extSupplierCompcodeSimpleForm SupplierCompanyCodeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Table columns of a change table
VIEW extSupplierDefaultMat SubRangeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Service Data
VIEW extSupplierDefaultMat SubRangeDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Service Data
VIEW extSupplierPucrchOrg PurchasingDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Purchasing Organization
VIEW extSupplierPurchaseCondition PurchasingDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Conditions
VIEW extSupplierServiceData SubRangeDetail.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Sub Range SimpleForm
VIEW extSupplierServiceData SubRangeDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Sub Range SimpleForm
VIEW extSupplierTabBar Supplier.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Company Code INFORMATIONS
VIEW extSupplierexwithldtax SuppExtendedTaxDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Extended Withholding Tax Type Simple Form
VIEW extSuppliersubrangetable PurchasingDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Relationship Details header
VIEW extTaxAddTables TaxDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Workplaces Address Header
VIEW extTaxInformation ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend ERP Customer Tax Information
VIEW extTaxInformation ERPSupplierDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend TaxInformation form
VIEW extTaxTable TaxTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Header in Address Page
VIEW extTelephoneNumbers Address.view.xml Allows you to extend Mobile Numbers table
VIEW extURL Address.view.xml Allows you to extend International Address Version for Organization table
VIEW extUsage ERPCustomerDetail.view.xml Extension Point to add Forms in Export Data
VIEW extWPEMailAddresses WPAddress.view.xml
VIEW extWPFaxNumbers WPAddress.view.xml Allows you to extend Workplace EMail addresses Table
VIEW extWPMobileNumbers WPAddress.view.xml Allows you to extend WP Fax numbers Table
VIEW extWPTelephoneNumbers WPAddress.view.xml Allows you to extend Workplace mobile numbers
VIEW extWithHoldTaxCreateTable ExtendedTaxTableCreate.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Purchase table
VIEW extaddrAttrHeader Address.view.xml Allows you to extend AddressUsages table
VIEW extbankDetailHeader BankDetail.view.xml Allows you to extend Bank Details Form for Create and Change scenario
VIEW extccChangeDescriptionTable GLAccountChange.fragment.xml Allows you to extend GL column of a description table
VIEW extccChangeDescriptionTable GLAccountDetails.fragment.xml Allows you to extend column of a description table
VIEW extccChangeFormCustomSection GLAccountChange.fragment.xml Allows you to extend Company Code Custom Section