Step 22: Expression Binding


Sometimes the predefined types of SAPUI5 are not flexible enough and you want to do a simple calculation or formatting in the view – that is where expressions are really helpful. We use them to format our price according to the current number in the data model.


Step 22: Expression Binding - 第1张  | 优通SAP


You can view and download all files at Walkthrough – Step 22.


We add the property numberState in our declarative view and
introduce a new binding syntax that starts with = inside the
brackets. This symbol is used to initiate a new binding syntax, it’s called an
expression and can do simple calculation logic like the ternary operator shown here.

The condition of the operator is a value from our data model. A model binding inside
an expression binding has to be escaped with the $ sign as you can
see in the code. We set the state to ‘Error’ (the number will
appear in red) if the price is higher than 50 and to ‘Success’ (the
number will appear in green) otherwise.

Expressions are limited to a particular set of operations that help formatting the
data such as Math expression, comparisons, and such. You can lookup the possible
operations in the documentation.


  • Only use expression binding for trivial calculations.


