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Display Setting in ALV using CL_SALV_TABLE

In this tutorial, we will learn how to change the display settings like stripped pattern,remove horizontal lines etc. in OO ALV using CL_SALV_TABLE.

CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS is the class used to apply display settings in ALV.

1.Stripped Pattern in ALV

To get Stripped pattern in ALV report, call the method  SET_STRIPED_PATTERN() in class CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS.


Display Setting in ALV using CL_SALV_TABLE - 第1张  | 优通SAP

Remove Horizontal Lines in ALV

To remove horizontal lines in ALV report, call the method  SET_HORIZONTAL_LINES() in class CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS.

3.Remove Vertical Lines in ALV

To remove Vertical lines  in ALV report, call the method  SET_VERTICAL_LINES() in class CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS.

4.ABAP Source Code


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