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Different types of task in SAP Workflow

In this tutorial we will try understand what are different types of task in SAP Workflow.

Basically there are two categories of task

Single-step Task
Multistep Task

Types of Tasks are

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Task Groups : We create Task Group to collect tasks or simply a repository of tasks.

Within SAP Workflow we create only cross client, single-step task (Standard Task) and multistep task(Workflow Templates).

Definition of a Task : Task is an activity that can execute independently or within in workflow.Activity can be SAP system transaction code like ME54N,QM02 etc.. and this activity is performed by the users/agents. The agents for a particular task can be determined using rules.

Transaction code related to Tasks are PFTC, PFTC_INS, PFTC_DIS, PFTC_CHG and PFTC_DEL.

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