Step 32: Routing with Parameters


We can now navigate between the overview and the detail page, but the actual item that we selected in the overview is not displayed on the detail page yet. A typical use case for our app is to show additional information for the selected item on the detail page.


Step 32: Routing with Parameters - 第1张  | 优通SAP


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We now add a navigation parameter invoicePath to the detail route so
that we can hand over the information for the selected item to the detail page.
Mandatory navigation parameters are defined with curly brackets.


We add a controller that will take care of setting the item’s context on the view and bind some properties of the ObjectHeader to the
fields of our invoice model. We could add more detailed information from the invoice object here, but for
simplicity reasons we just display two fields for now.


The control instance that has been interacted with can be accessed by the
getSource method that is available for all SAPUI5 events. It
will return the ObjectListItem that has been clicked in our case.
We will use it to pass the information of the clicked item to the detail page so
that the same item can be displayed there.

In the navTo method we now add a configuration object to fill the
navigation parameter invoicePath with the current information of
the item. This will update the URL and navigate to the detail view at the same time.
On the detail page, we can access this context information again
and display the corresponding item.

To identify the object that we selected, we would typically use the key of the item in the
back-end system because it is short and precise. For our invoice items however, we
do not have a simple key and directly use the binding path to keep the example short
and simple. The path to the item is part of the binding context which is a helper
object of SAPUI5 to manage the binding information for controls. The binding context
can be accessed by calling the getBindingContext method with the
model name on any bound SAPUI5 control. We need to remove the first
/ from the binding path by calling .substr(1)
on the string because this is a special character in URLs and is not allowed, we
will add it again on the detail page.

5.webapp/controller/Detail.controller.js (New)

Our last piece to fit the puzzle together is the detail controller. It needs to set the
context that we passed in with the URL parameter invoicePath on the
view, so that the item that has been selected in the list of invoices is actually
displayed, otherwise, the view would simply stay empty.

In the onInit method of the controller we fetch the instance of our app router and attach to the detail route by calling the
method attachPatternMatched on the route that we accessed by its name. We register an internal callback function
_onObjectMatched that will be executed when the route is hit, either by clicking on the item or by calling the
app with a URL for the detail page.

In the _onObjectMatched method that is triggered by the router we receive an
event that we can use to access the URL and navigation parameters. The
arguments parameter will return an object that corresponds to
our navigation parameters from the route pattern. We access the
invoicePath that we set in the invoice list controller and call
the bindElement function on the view to set the context. We have to
add the root / in front of the path again that was removed for
passing on the path as a URL parameter.

The bindElement function is creating a binding context for a SAPUI5
control and receives the model name as well as the path to an item in a
configuration object. This will trigger an update of the UI controls that we
connected with fields of the invoice model. You should now see the invoice details
on a separate page when you click on an item in the list of invoices.


  • Define the routing configuration in the AppDescriptor


