1 基于 hana xs平台实现odata,可参看:
2 基于sap netweaver gateway实现odata;
后面化一些时间来学习这个2 基于sap netweaver gateway实现odata;
更多结节请参看:UI5-FIORI – 安装配置开发环境搭建及测试程序案例:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i52peE5
1) 组件及基本设置1.1 组件要求
SAP HANA 1.0 SPS08 Revision 81
SAP HANA Live for SAP Business Suite Support Package Stack 04
SAP NetWeaver
Back-end server:
SAP NetWeaver 7.40 SPS07
Front-end server:
SAP NetWeaver 7.40 SPS07
Business Suite product
1.2 基本设置
The online documentation for SAP NetWeaver Gateway (http://
help.sap.com/nwgateway) explains all possible configuration options,
many of which most people won’t even need. Therefore, the idea
behind this Quick Start Guide is to get you sta11ed quickly with some
basic setup. After you have your basic setup running, you can then configure
additional features and components as you like. Note that the
Quick Start Guide is only valid for the embedded deployment option or
for the option of hub deployment with development on the hub, which
we’ve chosen for this guide.
The Quick Start Guide gives you an easy-to-follow overview of the absolutely
required steps to set up and configure SAP NetWeaver Gateway.
After you’ve followed the steps, it leaves you with a working SAP
deployment quick
4 I Deployment Options, Installation, and Configuration
NetWeaver Gateway system that you can use as a playground environment
or continue to configure to turn the very basic, absolutely minimal
configuration into a fully usable production environment.
Important Notes
.,. A sufficiently authorized user is required for this Quick Start Guide to work .
.,. This configuration is extremely basic, and only the absolutely required
steps have been performed, so don’t use this setup in a production environment
without additional configuration (e.g., authorizations, security)!
Full details can be found at http://help.sap.comlsaphelp_gateway20sp06/
Remember, in the case of embedded deployment and hub deployment
with development on the hub, the central components for SAP
NetWeaver Gateway and any optional backend components are
deployed together in the SAP Business Suite system or the hub system.
Setup and There are six steps needed to get your initial SAP NetWeaver Gateway
configuration steps setup running:
1. Deploy SAP NetWeaver Gateway add-ons.
2. Activate SAP NetWeaver Gateway.
3. Create the SAP system alias.
4. Create an SAP NetWeaver Gateway alias.
5. Activate node OPU.
6. Test your settings.
After you’ve performed these six steps, you should be able to develop a
service on the embedded SAP NetWeaver Gateway system and publish
it. Let’s walk through