Function Imports这个我理解的是函数输入查询,也就是你传入参数,然后ECC用传用的参数查询出一个内表返回给ODATA,
ODATA学习(SAP Press – OData and SAP NetWeaver Gateway)第6.5.6章节,第298页
Function imports or actions are supposed to be used whenever a function
needs to be executed on a business object that doesn’t fit into the
default CRUD-Q operations. One example is the release of a sales order
that might influence a number of properties and in addition also trigger
some backend functionality (e.g., start a workflow). Function imports
are defined on the service level, so a function isn’t executed on a dedicated
collection or entry.
一、创建一个Function Imports名字为:FM_SALEMAN_ZTSALE_I的Function Imports,增加Function Import Parameters名字为:Saleuser.
Run transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG on SAP NW Gateway hub system and search for entries with the timestamp above for more details
See SAP Note 1797736 for error analysis (