在SAP中可以调用IE来打开URL地址(函数WS_EXECUTE),但如打开的网页需要登陆时,还需要使用单点登陆并打开网页,比如SAP本机的FIORI ,WebDynpro的URL地址时,以下分别说明在IE中打开当前SAP服务器的URL,及在SAP GUI中打开的方法,主要是解决打开并登陆的问题,如是只为打开可以直接使用函数WS_EXECUTE:
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FUNCTION zurl_execute_in_place. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"本地接口: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(PROTOCOL) TYPE STRING OPTIONAL *" VALUE(INTERNALMODE) TYPE CHAR01 DEFAULT 'X' *" VALUE(SMARTCLIENT) TYPE CHAR01 OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(CONTAINER_NAME) TYPE SCRFNAME OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(SUPPRESS_OUTPUT) TYPE CHAR01 OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(TRY_TO_USE_SAPGUI_THEME) TYPE CHAR01 DEFAULT '' *" REFERENCE(IN_URL) TYPE STRING *" CHANGING *" REFERENCE(VIEWER) TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_WDR_VIEWER OPTIONAL *" EXCEPTIONS *" INVALID_APPLICATION *" BROWSER_NOT_STARTED *" ACTION_CANCELLED *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: char_url TYPE char1024. gen_url = in_url. CHECK suppress_output IS INITIAL. wdr_html_viewer = viewer. IF container_name IS INITIAL. fscr_mode = 'X'. ELSE. CLEAR fscr_mode. ENDIF. char_url = gen_url. IF internalmode EQ space AND smartclient EQ space. TRY. DATA: l_empty_co TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container. "#EC NEEDED CREATE OBJECT wdr_html_viewer EXPORTING parent = l_empty_co protocol = protocol EXCEPTIONS html_control_error = 1. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. CALL METHOD wdr_html_viewer->('DETACH_URL_IN_BROWSER') EXPORTING url = char_url. cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ). ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'CALL_BROWSER' EXPORTING url = char_url EXCEPTIONS frontend_not_supported = 1 frontend_error = 2 prog_not_found = 3 no_batch = 4 unspecified_error = 5. IF sy-subrc NE 0. RAISE browser_not_started. ENDIF. ENDIF. CATCH cx_root. CALL FUNCTION 'CALL_BROWSER' EXPORTING url = char_url EXCEPTIONS frontend_not_supported = 1 frontend_error = 2 prog_not_found = 3 no_batch = 4 unspecified_error = 5. IF sy-subrc NE 0. RAISE browser_not_started. ENDIF. ENDTRY. ELSEIF internalmode NE space AND smartclient EQ space. DATA off TYPE i. DATA len TYPE i. FIND REGEX '[Zz]\w+(?=\?)' IN char_url MATCH OFFSET off MATCH LENGTH len . IF sy-subrc = 0. wdy_name = char_url+off(len). PERFORM get_wda_text. ENDIF. IF container_name IS INITIAL. CALL SCREEN 200. ELSE. IF wdr_html_viewer IS INITIAL. PERFORM initialize_viewer USING container_name. ENDIF. PERFORM show_url_in_viewer USING gen_url. ENDIF. ELSEIF internalmode EQ space AND smartclient NE space. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>execute EXPORTING application = 'sapwdgui.exe' parameter = gen_url EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 99. IF sy-subrc NE 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 RAISING browser_not_started. ENDIF. ELSEIF internalmode NE space AND smartclient NE space. PERFORM get_wda_text. IF container_name IS INITIAL. CALL SCREEN 210. ELSE. PERFORM initialize_smartclient_viewer USING container_name. ENDIF. ENDIF. viewer = wdr_html_viewer. ENDFUNCTION. |
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*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ***INCLUDE LWDY_PRGN_NODESF02 . *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form initialize_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM initialize_viewer USING container_name TYPE scrfname. DATA: sys_par_val(100) TYPE c. IF container_name IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT wdp_html_container EXPORTING container_name = 'HTML'. ELSE. CREATE OBJECT wdp_html_container EXPORTING container_name = container_name. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT wdr_html_viewer EXPORTING parent = wdp_html_container. IF fscr_mode = abap_true. * CALL METHOD wdr_html_viewer->use_standard_exit * EXPORTING * flag = 'X'. CREATE OBJECT wdr_inplace_handler. set handler wdr_inplace_handler->on_wd_event FOR wdr_html_viewer. ENDIF. CALL 'C_SAPGPARAM' "#EC CI_CCALL ID 'NAME' FIELD 'login/create_sso2_ticket' ID 'VALUE' FIELD sys_par_val. IF sys_par_val < 0. " see SAP note 1562004 MESSAGE s530(swdp_wb_tool). ENDIF. CALL 'C_SAPGPARAM' "#EC CI_CCALL ID 'NAME' FIELD 'login/accept_sso2_ticket' ID 'VALUE' FIELD sys_par_val. IF sys_par_val NE 1. MESSAGE s530(swdp_wb_tool). ENDIF. DATA: icf_node TYPE string VALUE '/sap/public/myssocntl', icf_state TYPE icfactive VALUE 'X'. CALL METHOD cl_icf_tree=>if_icf_tree~service_from_url EXPORTING url = icf_node hostnumber = 0 authority_check = space IMPORTING icfactive = icf_state. IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL OR icf_state IS INITIAL. MESSAGE s531(swdp_wb_tool). ENDIF. DATA: temp_str TYPE string, "#EC NEEDED host TYPE string, host_parts TYPE string_table, host_part TYPE string, i TYPE i. SPLIT gen_url AT '://' INTO temp_str host. SPLIT host AT ':' INTO host temp_str. TRANSLATE host TO LOWER CASE. SPLIT host AT '.' INTO TABLE host_parts. i = LINES( host_parts ). IF i > 0. READ TABLE host_parts INTO host_part INDEX i. CASE host_part. WHEN 'com' OR 'edu' OR 'net' OR 'org' OR 'gov' OR 'mil' OR 'int'. IF LINES( host_parts ) < 2. MESSAGE s532(swdp_wb_tool). ENDIF. WHEN OTHERS. IF LINES( host_parts ) < 3. MESSAGE s532(swdp_wb_tool). ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " initialize_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form show_url_in_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_GEN_URL text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM show_url_in_viewer USING p_url. DATA: url_to_show(100000) TYPE c. url_to_show = p_url. wdr_html_viewer->show_url( url = url_to_show ). cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ). ENDFORM. " show_url_in_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form register_smartclient_event *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM register_smartclient_event. DATA: event_tab TYPE cntl_simple_events, p_event TYPE cntl_simple_event. p_event-eventid = 3. "cl_gui_webdynpro_viewer=>eventid_control_info. p_event-appl_event = 'x'. APPEND p_event TO event_tab. CALL METHOD wdp_smartclient_viewer->set_registered_events EXPORTING events = event_tab. ENDFORM. " register_smartclient_event *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form leave_wdr_html_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM leave_wdr_html_viewer. wdr_html_viewer->close_document( ). cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ). WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS. wdr_html_viewer->free( ). CLEAR wdr_html_viewer. wdp_html_container->free( ). CLEAR wdp_html_container. ENDFORM. " leave_wdr_html_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form initialize_smartclient_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_SPACE text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM initialize_smartclient_viewer USING container_name TYPE scrfname.. IF wdp_smartclient_viewer IS INITIAL. IF container_name IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT wdp_html_container EXPORTING container_name = 'HTML'. ELSE. CREATE OBJECT wdp_html_container EXPORTING container_name = container_name. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT wdp_smartclient_viewer EXPORTING parent = wdp_html_container. cl_gui_cfw=>update_view( EXCEPTIONS cntl_system_error = 1 cntl_error = 2 OTHERS = 3 ). ENDIF. IF sy-subrc = 0. PERFORM register_smartclient_event. wdp_smartclient_viewer->navigate( gen_url ). ELSE. MESSAGE e088(st) WITH text-009. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " initialize_smartclient_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form leave_wdr_html_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM leave_wdr_smartclient_viewer. * wdp_smartclient_viewer->close_document( ). * cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ). * WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS. wdp_smartclient_viewer->free( ). CLEAR wdp_smartclient_viewer. wdp_html_container->free( ). CLEAR wdp_html_container. ENDFORM. " leave_wdr_html_viewer *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_wda_text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_wda_text . DATA: applobj TYPE REF TO object. CLEAR gen_text. TRY. CALL METHOD ('CL_WDY_MD_APPLICATION')=>('GET_OBJECT_BY_KEY') EXPORTING name = wdy_name suppress_access_permission = 'X' RECEIVING application = applobj. CALL METHOD applobj->('IF_WDY_MD_OBJECT~GET_DESCRIPTION') RECEIVING description = gen_text. CATCH cx_wdy_md_not_existing. MESSAGE e088(st) WITH text-001. CATCH cx_wdy_md_permission_failure. MESSAGE e088(st) WITH text-001. ENDTRY. ENDFORM. " get_wda_text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_wda_text_new *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->E_TEXT text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form get_wda_text_new changing e_text type bxmnodes-text. types: begin of s_buffer, wdy_name type wdy_application_name, config_id type wdy_config_id, text type bxmnodes-text, end of s_buffer. statics lth_buffer type hashed table of s_buffer with unique key wdy_name config_id. data l_text type wdy_md_description. data ls_buffer type s_buffer. data l_wdy_name type wdy_application_name. data l_config type wdy_config_id. l_wdy_name = wdy_name. TRANSLATE l_wdy_name TO UPPER CASE. l_config = wdy_config. TRANSLATE l_config to UPPER CASE. read table lth_buffer into ls_buffer with table key wdy_name = l_wdy_name config_id = l_config. if sy-subrc <> 0. ls_buffer-wdy_name = l_wdy_name. ls_buffer-config_id = l_config. if wdy_config is initial. select single description from wdy_applicationt into ls_buffer-text where langu = sy-langu and application_name = l_wdy_name. else. select single description from wdy_config_appt into ls_buffer-text where langu = sy-langu and config_id = l_config and config_type = if_wd_config_constants=>c_config_type_appl and config_var = ''. endif. insert ls_buffer into table lth_buffer. endif. e_text = ls_buffer-text. endform. "get_wda_text_new |
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FUNCTION-POOL ZWDY_PRGN_NODES MESSAGE-ID SWDP_RUNTIME. * --- Mode constants constants: c_create_mode value 'C', c_edit_mode value 'E', c_display_mode value 'D', c_http value '0', c_https value 'S', c_http_name(4) value 'HTTP', c_https_name(5) value 'HTTPS', c_browser(7) value 'BROWSER', c_run_ext value 'E', c_run_int value 'I', c_run_in_sclient_param(13) value 'sap-wd-run-sc', c_run_auto_detect(18) value 'sap-wd-auto-detect', c_config_param_1(17) value 'WDCONFIGURATIONID', c_config_param_2(15) value 'SAP-WD-CONFIGID'. * --- Screen Elements data: wdy_name type wdy_application_name, "Web-Dynpro-Anw Name wdy_text type bxmnodes-text, "Web-Dynpro-App Beschreibung wdy_config type wdy_config_id, pr_https type c, "Ankreuzfeld fur Protokoll rb_ext type c, "Radiobuttons fur Ausgabenverfahren rb_int type c, rb_browser type c, rb_smcl type c, rb_auto type c, wdy_url like bxmnodes-url, agr_name type agr_name. data param_lin type param_lin. data: i_param type wdy_prgn_name_values. * --- * Handling URL properties data: prop_tab type wdy_app_property_table, prop_lin type line of wdy_app_property_table, predef_prop_tab type wdy_app_prop_def_tab, predef_prop_lin type line of wdy_app_prop_def_tab, avail_prop_tab type table of wdy_param_f4_info, avail_prop_lin type wdy_param_f4_info, field_tab type table of dfies, field_lin type dfies. * Handling transaction screens data: application type rsstcd-para_value, https type rsstcd-para_value, startmode type rsstcd-para_value, wdconfigurationid type rsstcd-para_value, fscr_mode type c. data: gen_url type string, gen_text type string, fmode type c, no_reload type c, new_entry type c, ok_code(20) type c. "exit code * === Toolbar ========== * toolbar global data data: g_appl_type_prop_tab type wdy_pfcg_appl_type_props, g_appl_type_prop like line of g_appl_type_prop_tab, g_toolbar_test_mode type string, * controls for toolbar gr_container_toolbar type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, gr_toolbar type ref to cl_gui_toolbar. * === additional controls controls: param_cntrl type tableview using screen 0100. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS cl_wdr_inplace_handler DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class cl_wdr_inplace_handler definition. public section. methods: on_wd_event for event wd_event of cl_gui_wdr_viewer importing action parameters. "#EC NEEDED endclass. "cl_myevent_handler DEFINITION *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Class LCL_EVENT_RECEIVER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class lcl_toolbar_event_receiver definition. public section. methods set_handler importing activation type wdy_boolean. private section. data: m_menu type ref to cl_ctmenu. methods function_select for event function_selected of cl_gui_toolbar importing fcode sender. methods dropdown for event dropdown_clicked of cl_gui_toolbar importing fcode posx posy sender. endclass. "LCL_TOOLBAR_EVENT_RECEIVER *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_toolbar_event_receiver_appl_type DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class lcl_toolbar_event_receiver_app definition. public section. methods on_button_info_changed for event button_info_changed of if_wdy_pfcg_application_type importing fcode icon text quickinfo. methods set_handler importing activation type wdy_boolean. endclass. "lcl_toolbar_event_receiver_appl_type DEFINITION * --- HTML Viewer data: gr_event_receiver type ref to lcl_toolbar_event_receiver, gr_event_receiver_app type ref to lcl_toolbar_event_receiver_app, wdr_html_viewer type ref to cl_gui_wdr_viewer, wdp_smartclient_viewer type ref to cl_gui_webdynpro_viewer, wdp_html_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, wdr_inplace_handler type ref to cl_wdr_inplace_handler. |
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*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ***INCLUDE LWDY_PRGN_NODESO02 . *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module STATUS_0200 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE status_0200 OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS 'HTMLVIEW'. SET TITLEBAR 'HTMLVIEW' WITH gen_text. ENDMODULE. " STATUS_0200 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module PBO_0200 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE pbo_0200 OUTPUT. IF no_reload IS INITIAL. IF wdr_html_viewer IS INITIAL. PERFORM initialize_viewer USING space. ENDIF. PERFORM show_url_in_viewer USING gen_url. ELSE. CLEAR no_reload. ENDIF. ENDMODULE. " PBO_0200 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module PBO_0210 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE pbo_0210 OUTPUT. PERFORM initialize_smartclient_viewer USING space. ENDMODULE. " PBO_0210 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module SET_TOOLBAR OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module SET_TOOLBAR output. perform set_toolbar. endmodule. " SET_TOOLBAR OUTPUT |
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*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ***INCLUDE LWDY_PRGN_NODESI02 . *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module EXIT_DYNP_0200 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE EXIT_DYNP_0200 INPUT. CASE ok_code. WHEN 'BACK' OR 'CANC' OR 'EXIT'. CLEAR ok_code. PERFORM leave_wdr_html_viewer. LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. ENDCASE. ENDMODULE. " EXIT_DYNP_0200 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module USER_COMMAND_0200 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE USER_COMMAND_0200 INPUT. IF ok_code IS NOT INITIAL. CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch. ELSE. no_reload = 'X'. ENDIF. CLEAR ok_code. ENDMODULE. " USER_COMMAND_0200 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module EXIT_DYNP_0210 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE EXIT_DYNP_0210 INPUT. CASE ok_code. WHEN 'BACK' OR 'CANC' OR 'EXIT'. CLEAR ok_code. PERFORM leave_wdr_smartclient_viewer. LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. ENDCASE. ENDMODULE. " EXIT_DYNP_0210 INPUT |
在上面的函数 中,internalmode EQ space AND smartclient NE space时就会用IE打了
4.用事务码打开FIORI APP
新建立 一个事务码,调用事务码/UI2/SAPUI5_APP_FE,并传入UIAD参数,可参考标准事务码F*(比如F0862)