What is an Attribute View in SAP HANA


DearSAPLearners, in this blog post we will learn about Attribute View in SAP HANA.

What is an Attribute View in SAP HANA

Attribute Views are information views in the SAP HANA.They are build in the HANA Modeling context.Attribute Views are built against master tables by joining them in SAP HANA.

They can also used to project few columns from a master table.Attribute Views are reusable objects in SAP HANA.They can be compared to Database Views in ABAP or Dimensions in SAP BW (Business Warehouse). JOIN Engine in SAP HANA is used for Attribute View

Join Engine in SAP HANA Attribute Views
Join Engine in SAP HANA Attribute Views

You can also create hierarchies in attribute views to analyze the data in hierarchical manner.

Two hierarchies can be created in attribute views 1. Level Hierarchies and 2. Parent Child Hierarchies

Types of Attribute View in SAP HANA

  1. Standard Attribute Views
  2. Derived Attribute Views
  3. Timed Attribute Views

Standard Attribute View:

These views are created among different column store tables using joins in SAP HANA.

Standard Attribute View
Standard Attribute View

Derived Attribute View:

These views are created using an existing Attribute Views. You cannot edit the derived attribute view.

Derived attribute views are read-only. The only editable field in the derived attribute view is the description. It will behave as a reference to the base attribute view. Any changes to the base attribute view will be reflected in derived attribute view.

Derived Attribute View
Derived Attribute View

Timed Attribute View:

An attribute view which stores the time dependent data. They are created against calendar tables – M_FISCAL_CALENDAR (or) time tables – M_TIME_DIMENSION, M_TIME_DIMENSION_YEAR, M_TIME_DIMENSION_MONTH and M_TIME_DIMENSION_WEEK.

All these tables are stored in _SYS_BI schema.

Timed Attribute View
Timed Attribute View

Where we can use these Attribute View?

Attribute Views are reusable objects and can be reused/shared in other views like Analytical Views and Calculation Views.

Attribute Views can also be exposed as XS OData service and these services are used in SAPUI5/SAP Fiori Applications.

Other References

Refer to this blog post on How to create an Attribute View in SAP HANA Studio.

Refer to this blog post on How to expose Attribute View as XS OData Service in SAP HANA.

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