GUI事务码:V.01, V.02, V.14, V.15, V.26, VA02, VA05, VA14L, VDBLOCK, VF05, VFX3, VINC, VKM1, VKM3, VKM5, VL02, V_UC, V015
功能描述:Sales Order Fulfillment Issues
模块:Internal Sales Representative;
Required Back-End Product:Sales
APP类型:Transactional, Analytical(SAP Fiori (SAPUI5))
数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive
BSP组件及版本:UIS4HOP1 200
Aerospace and Defense,Automotive,Banking,Chemicals,Consumer Products,Cross Industry,Engineering, Construction and Operations,High Tech,Higher Education and Research,Industrial Machinery and Components,Life Sciences,Media,Mill Products,Mining,Oil and Gas,Professional Services,Retail,Sports and Entertainment,Telecommunications,Travel and Transportation,Utilities,Wholesale Distribution
CONTROLLER | extBuildHeaderFooter | HeaderFooter.js | Adds or modifies the content of the header and footer |
CONTROLLER | extDeliveryDocumentPressed | IN02.controller.js | Occurs when the delivery document is selected |
CONTROLLER | extFormatOptions | HeaderFooter.js | Adds or modifies the display format of the header and footer attributes |
CONTROLLER | extGetHeaderFooter | DE04.controller.js | Changes the attributes after the header and footer attributes have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extGetHeaderFooter | DE05.controller.js | Changes the attributes after the header and footer attributes have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extGetHeaderFooter | SO03.controller.js | Changes the attributes after the header and footer attributes have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | DE01.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | DE03.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | DE03Item.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | IN01.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SO01.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SO01_Item.controller.js | Change the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SO02.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SO02Item.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SO04.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SO04Item.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SU01.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SU01Item.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHandleHeaderFooter | SU02.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extHookInitDocumentMappers | ProcessFlow_Model.js | Modifies (adds, removes, replaces) the list of the used document mapper. The document mapper objects prepares the data that is displayed in the document flow view. Influences what documents are displayed and the content that is displayed for the documents. |
CONTROLLER | extHookReadDocFlow | ProcessFlow_Model.js | Modifies the batch operations that are used to determine the document flow data. Extends or changes how the nodes structure and their relationships are determined. |
CONTROLLER | extHookReadNodeData | ProcessFlow_Model.js | Modifies the batch operations that are used to determine additional data for the process flow nodes. Extends or changes how the data is determined that is displayed as node content. |
CONTROLLER | extLoadDataPostProcess | DE04.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extLoadDataPostProcess | DE05.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extLoadDataPostProcess | SO03.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extLoadDataPostProcess | SO05.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extLoadDataPostProcess | SO05Item.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extLoadDataPostProcess | SO06.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extLoadDataPostProcess | SO06Item.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extLoadIssueDataPostProcess | SOModelHelper.js | Modifies the issue view after loading the issue data |
CONTROLLER | extLoadIssueModel | IN01.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extLoadItemDataPostProcess | SOModelHelper.js | Modifies the item view after loading the item data |
CONTROLLER | extNavigation | IN02.controller.js | Occurs during navigation to the page |
CONTROLLER | extOnPostError | IN02.controller.js | Occurs in response to posting errors |
CONTROLLER | extSalesOrderPressed | IN02.controller.js | Occurs when a sales order link is selected |
CONTROLLER | extSetDeliveryData | DE01.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetHeaderFooter | SO05.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extSetHeaderFooter | SO05Item.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extSetHeaderFooter | SO06.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extSetHeaderFooter | SO06Item.controller.js | Changes the buttons after they have been defined |
CONTROLLER | extSetIncompleteSalesOrderHeaderData | SO01.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetIssueHeaderData | SO02.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetIssueHeaderData | SO04.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetItemData | SO01_Item.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetItemData | SO02Item.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetItemData | SO04Item.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetMfgOrderHeaderData | SU02.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetPurchaseOrderHeaderData | SU01.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extSetincompleteDeliveryHeaderData | DE03.controller.js | Modifies the model data after it has been read, and before it is set into the view |
CONTROLLER | extTabBarClicked | IN02.controller.js | Occurs when the tab bar is pressed |
VIEW | IN02IconTabBarExtension | IN02.view.xml | Replaces the whole IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO04ItemObjectHeaderExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Replaces the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO06ItemObjectHeaderExtension | SO06Item.view.xml | Replaces the wholeObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | SO06ItemObjectHeaderStatusExtension | SO06Item.view.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE01DeliveryCustomerDetailLastFieldExtension | DE01.view.xml | Adds content to the Customer area |
VIEW | DE01DeliveryDetailLastFieldExtension | DE01.view.xml | Adds content to the Delivery area |
VIEW | DE01DeliveryDetailsFormExtension | DE01.view.xml | Replaces the content of the Info tab |
VIEW | DE01IconTabBarExtension | DE01.view.xml | Replaces the whole IconTabBar |
VIEW | DE01IconTabBarLastTabExtension | DE01.view.xml | Adds a tab at the end of the IconTabBar |
VIEW | DE01ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | DE01_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE01ObjectHeaderExtension | DE01.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | DE01ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | DE01_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE03CompletenessDetailLastFieldExtension | DE03.view.xml | Adds content to the Completeness area |
VIEW | DE03CustomerFormExtension | DE03.view.xml | Replaces the Customer area |
VIEW | DE03DeliveryFormExtension | DE03.view.xml | Replaces the Delivery area |
VIEW | DE03IconTabBarExtension | DE03.view.xml | Replaces the whole IconTabBar |
VIEW | DE03IconTabBarLastTabExtension | DE03.view.xml | Adds tabs to the IconTabBar |
VIEW | DE03ItemCompletenessDetailLastFieldExtension | DE03Item.view.xml | Adds content to the Completeness Details area |
VIEW | DE03ItemCompletenessFormExtension | DE03Item.view.xml | Replaces the content of the Completeness area |
VIEW | DE03ItemDetailsFormExtension | DE03Item.view.xml | Removes or replaces the content of the Item Details area |
VIEW | DE03ItemDetailsLastFieldExtension | DE03Item.view.xml | Adds content to the Item Details area |
VIEW | DE03ItemObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | DE03Item.view.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE03ItemObjectHeaderExtension | DE03Item.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE03ItemObjectHeaderStatusExtension | DE03Item.view.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE03ItemsTableLastCellExtension | DE03.view.xml | Adds cells to the Items table |
VIEW | DE03ItemsTableLastColumnExtension | DE03.view.xml | Adds columns to the Items table |
VIEW | DE03LastFieldExtensionCustomerForm | DE03.view.xml | Adds content to the Customer area |
VIEW | DE03LastFieldExtensionDeliveryForm | DE03.view.xml | Adds content to the Delivery area |
VIEW | DE03ObjectHeaderExtension | DE03.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | DE04CreditStatusFormExtension | DE04.view.xml | Replaces the whole Credit Status area |
VIEW | DE04CustomerFormExtension | DE04.view.xml | Replaces the whole Customer area |
VIEW | DE04IconTabBarExtension | DE04.view.xml | Replaces the whole IconTabBar |
VIEW | DE04IconTabBarLastTabExtension | DE04.view.xml | Adds tabs to the IconTabBar |
VIEW | DE04IssueContentBottomExtension | DE04.view.xml | Adds content at the bottom of Issue details |
VIEW | DE04LastFieldExtensionCreditStatusForm | DE04.view.xml | Adds content to the Credit Status area |
VIEW | DE04LastFieldExtensionCustomerForm | DE04.view.xml | Replaces the whole Customer area |
VIEW | DE04ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | DE04_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE04ObjectHeaderExtension | DE04.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | DE04ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | DE04_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE05CustomerFormExtension | DE05.view.xml | Replaces the whole Customer area |
VIEW | DE05DeliveryFormExtension | DE05.view.xml | Replaces the whole Delivery area |
VIEW | DE05IconTabBarExtension | DE05.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | DE05IconTabBarLastTabExtension | DE05.view.xml | Adds tabs to the IconTabBar |
VIEW | DE05IssueContentBottomExtension | DE05.view.xml | Adds content at the bottom of Issue details |
VIEW | DE05LastFieldExtensionCustomerForm | DE05.view.xml | Adds content to the Customer area |
VIEW | DE05LastFieldExtensionDeliveryForm | DE05.view.xml | Adds content to the Delivery area |
VIEW | DE05ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | DE05_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | DE05ObjectHeaderExtension | DE05.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | DE05ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | DE05_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | IN01CustomerInfoFormExtension | IN01.view.xml | Replaces the content of the Info tab |
VIEW | IN01CustomerInfoFormLastFieldExtension | IN01.view.xml | Adds content to the Info area |
VIEW | IN01IconTabBarExtension | IN01.view.xml | Replaces the whole IconTabBar |
VIEW | IN01IconTabBarLastTabExtension | IN01.view.xml | Adds a tab at the end of the IconTabBar |
VIEW | IN01ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | IN01_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | IN01ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | IN01_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | IN02CustomerInfoFormLastFieldExtension | IN02_CustomerInfoForm.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the Customer Info form |
VIEW | IN02DeliveryInfoFormLastFieldExtension | IN02_CustomerInfoForm.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the Delivery Info |
VIEW | IN02IconTabBarLastTabExtension | IN02.view.xml | Adds a tab at the end of the IconTabBar |
VIEW | IN02ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | IN02_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | IN02ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | IN02_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO01CompletenessDetailLastFieldExtension | SO01.view.xml | Adds content to the Completeness area |
VIEW | SO01CustomerDetailLastFieldExtension | SO01.view.xml | Adds content to the Customer area |
VIEW | SO01IconTabBarLastTabExtension | SO01.view.xml | Replaces the whole IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO01ItemsTableExtension | SO01.view.xml | Replaces the whole Items table |
VIEW | SO01ItemsTableLastCellExtension | SO01.view.xml | Adds content to the Items table content |
VIEW | SO01ItemsTableLastColumnExtension | SO01.view.xml | Adds content to the Items table header |
VIEW | SO01ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | SO01_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO01ObjectHeaderExtension | SO01.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | SO01ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | SO01_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO01SalesOrderHeaderFormExtension | SO01.view.xml | Replaces the content of the Info tab |
VIEW | SO01_ItemCompletenessFormExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Replaces the content of the Completeness area |
VIEW | SO01_ItemCompletenessLastFieldExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Adds content to the Completeness area |
VIEW | SO01_ItemDetailsFormExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Replaces the content of the Details area |
VIEW | SO01_ItemDetailsLastFieldExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Adds content to the Details area |
VIEW | SO01_ItemObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO01_ItemObjectHeaderExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | SO01_ItemObjectHeaderStatusExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO01_ItemSchedulinesTableExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Replaces the whole Schedule Lines table |
VIEW | SO01_ItemSchedulinesTableLastCellExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Adds content to the Schedule Lines table content |
VIEW | SO01_ItemSchedulinesTableLastColumnExtension | SO01_Item.view.xml | Adds content to the Schedule Lines table header |
VIEW | SO02DeliveryDetailLastFieldExtension1 | SO02IssueDetailsInfo.view.xml | Adds a field to the Shipping Plan form |
VIEW | SO02DeliveryDetailLastFieldExtension2 | SO02IssueDetailsInfo.view.xml | Adds a field to the Customer Details form |
VIEW | SO02DeliveryDetailsFormExtension1 | SO02IssueDetailsInfo.view.xml | Replaces the Shipping Plan form |
VIEW | SO02DeliveryDetailsFormExtension2 | SO02IssueDetailsInfo.view.xml | Replaces the Customer Details form |
VIEW | SO02IconTabBarExtension | SO02.view.xml | Replaces the whole IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO02IconTabBarLastTabExtension | SO02.view.xml | Adds a tab at the end of the IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO02ItemDeliveryDetailsFormExtension | SO02Item.view.xml | Replaces the Item Details form |
VIEW | SO02ItemDeliveryLastFieldExtension | SO02Item.view.xml | Adds a field to the Item Details form |
VIEW | SO02ItemObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | SO02Item.view.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO02ItemObjectHeaderExtension | SO02Item.view.xml | Replaces the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO02ItemObjectHeaderStatusExtension | SO02Item.view.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO02ItemSchedulinesTableExtension | SO02Item.view.xml | Replaces the table Requested and Confirmed Delivery Quantities |
VIEW | SO02ItemSchedulinesTableLastCellExtension | SO02Item.view.xml | Adds a cell at the end of the table row |
VIEW | SO02ItemSchedulinesTableLastColumnExtension | SO02Item.view.xml | Adds a column at the end of the table |
VIEW | SO02ItemsTableExtension | SO02.view.xml | Replaces the whole table |
VIEW | SO02ItemsTableLastCellExtension | SO02.view.xml | Adds a cell at the end of the table row |
VIEW | SO02ItemsTableLastColumnExtension | SO02.view.xml | Adds a column at the end of the table |
VIEW | SO02ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | SO02_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO02ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | SO02_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO03CreditStatusFormExtension | SO03.view.xml | Replaces the whole Credit Status area |
VIEW | SO03CustomerFormExtension | SO03.view.xml | Replaces the whole Customer area |
VIEW | SO03IconTabBarExtension | SO03.view.xml | Replaces the whole IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO03IconTabBarLastTabExtension | SO03.view.xml | Adds tabs to the IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO03IssueContentBottomExtension | SO03.view.xml | Adds content at the bottom of Issue Details |
VIEW | SO03LastFieldExtensionCreditStatusForm | SO03.view.xml | Adds content to the Credit Status area |
VIEW | SO03LastFieldExtensionCustomerForm | SO03.view.xml | Adds content to the Customer area |
VIEW | SO03ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | SO03_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO03ObjectHeaderExtension | SO03.view.xml | Replaces the whole ObjectHeaderFragment |
VIEW | SO03ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | SO03_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds a status to the ObjectHeader |
VIEW | SO04IconTabBarAdditionalTabExtension | SO04.view.xml | Adds tabs to the IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO04IconTabBarExtension | SO04.view.xml | Replaces the IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO04IssueDetailsInfoForm1AdditionalFieldsExtension | SO04IssueDetailsInfo.view.xml | Adds fields to the Billing Details simple form |
VIEW | SO04IssueDetailsInfoForm1Extension | SO04IssueDetailsInfo.view.xml | Replaces the Billing Details simple form |
VIEW | SO04IssueDetailsInfoForm2AdditionalFieldsExtension | SO04IssueDetailsInfo.view.xml | Adds fields to the Customer Details simple form |
VIEW | SO04IssueDetailsInfoForm2Extension | SO04IssueDetailsInfo.view.xml | Replaces the Customer Details simple form |
VIEW | SO04ItemDetailsFormAdditionalFieldsExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Adds fields to the Item Details simple form |
VIEW | SO04ItemDetailsFormExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Replaces the Billing simple form |
VIEW | SO04ItemObjectHeaderAttributesExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Adds ObjectHeader attributes |
VIEW | SO04ItemObjectHeaderStatusExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Adds ObjectHeader status |
VIEW | SO04ItemSalesOrderBillingFormAdditionalFieldsExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Adds fields to the Billing simple form |
VIEW | SO04ItemSalesOrderBillingFormExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Replaces the Billing simple form |
VIEW | SO04ItemScheduLinesTableAdditionalCellsExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Adds column cells to the schedule line item table |
VIEW | SO04ItemScheduLinesTableAdditionalColumnsExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Adds columns to the schedule line item table |
VIEW | SO04ItemScheduLinesTableExtension | SO04Item.view.xml | Replaces the schedule lines table |
VIEW | SO04ItemsTableAdditionalCellsExtension | SO04.view.xml | Adds column cells to the Item table |
VIEW | SO04ItemsTableAdditionalColumnsExtension | SO04.view.xml | Adds columns to the Item table |
VIEW | SO04ItemsTableExtension | SO04.view.xml | Replaces the Item table |
VIEW | SO04ObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | SO04_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds ObjectHeader attributes |
VIEW | SO04ObjectHeaderStatusExtension | SO04_ObjectHeader.fragment.xml | Adds ObjectHeader status |
VIEW | SO05CustomerFormExtension | SO05.view.xml | Removes or replaces the Customer Detail form |
VIEW | SO05IconTabBarExtension | SO05.view.xml | Removes or replaces the IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO05IconTabBarLastTabExtension | SO05.view.xml | Adds additional tabs to the IconTabBar |
VIEW | SO05IssueContentBottomExtension | SO05.view.xml | Adds content to the end of the Sales Order Issues List |
VIEW | SO05ItemContentBottomExtension | SO05Item.view.xml | Adds content to the end of the Sales Order Item List |
VIEW | SO05ItemDetailsFormExtension | SO05Item.view.xml | Removes or replaces the content of the Details area |
VIEW | SO05ItemDetailsLastFieldExtension | SO05Item.view.xml | Adds content to the Details area |
VIEW | SO05ItemObjectHeaderAttributeExtension | SO05Item.view.xml | Adds an attribute to the ObjectHeader |