功能描述:Open Orders -Total Orders By Status
模块:Allocation Manager (Fashion);
版本:SAP Fashion Management
Required Back-End Product:Supply Chain
APP类型:Analytical(SAP Smart Business Tile & Custom Drill Down App)
数据库支持类型:HANA DB or HANA side-by-side
BSP组件及版本:UISFM001 100
Aerospace and Defense,Automotive,Banking,Chemicals,Consumer Products,Cross Industry,Defense and Security,Engineering, Construction and Operations,Healthcare,High Tech,Higher Education and Research,Industrial Machinery and Components,Life Sciences,Media,Mill Products,Mining,Oil and Gas,Professional Services,Public Sector,Retail,Sports and Entertainment,Telecommunications,Travel and Transportation,Utilities,Wholesale Distribution
摘要:The unique situation in the fashion industry necessitates an optimized assignment of existing stock to open requirements (sales orders and stock transport orders). When there is a stock shortage, for example, the allocation run ensures an assignment of the available stock to the open requirements according to your business requirements. Unlike the availability check, which merely makes temporary assignments between requirement records and (future incoming) stock elements, the allocation creates a fixed assignment between the requirement records, physical stock (batch managed or non-batch managed) and future receipts. Given the importance of such an Order Allocation Run (as prerequisite for logistical execution and delivery) it”s crucial to have the capability of doing monitoring on the current situation of Order Allocation. This analytical Fiori Application (powered by the Smart Business KPI Modeler and thus highly configurable) is intended to be used as an executive and operational management tool for viewing real-time analytics around Order Allocation relevant data. It does provide a graphical overview on the current status of Order Allocation along with the possibility to drill-down to more a more detailed view on Order level . In addition the most critical articles (with regards to unallocated requirements) can be monitored on a generic/style level as well as on a more granular level of e.g. color and size. Finally this application provides detailed insight into the allocation status of sales/stock transfer orders from different angles like e.g. from an assortment (season/collection) or organizational (distribution channel) perspective. The total order by status app provides the analytic overview by status of Order Allocation Run.Allows you to add the field to the odata call,To add a field or column in the order allocation details table,