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How to create a New HANA Trial Instance in SAP HCP

Hello everyone, in this tutorial you will learn on how to create a New HANA Trial Instance in SAP HCP (HANA Cloud Platform). Lets get started.


You have already registered for SAP Free HANA Trail Instance.Click here to get one.

2.Step-by-Step Procedure

1. After you got the SAP HANA Cloud Platform(HCP) trials instance. Log on to it, you should be landing on HANA cockpit like below.

2. Now click on HANA Instances which is in the left panel and then click on New Trial Instance.

New Trial HANA Instance

3. Provide the name of the trial instance and click on Save.

New Trial Instance in SAP HCP

4. HANA Instance will be created successfully. Now click on SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench to see the web based tool to develop HANA XS applications.

HANA Web-based Development Workbench

5. You should see SAP HANA development workbench should open in new browser window like below.

HANA Development Workbench

Congrats, you have successfully create New HANA Trial Instance in SAP HCP. In our next tutorials we will learn how to develop HANA XS applications in SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench in SAP HCP.

Please stay tuned to us for more SAP  HANA Cloud Platform tutorials.Please feel free to comment and let us know your feedback. You feedback will keep us alive.

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