
  • 创建银行账号


    银行账号就是我们用来收款,付款时的银行账号了,比如我的银行卡号就是一个银行账号。此功能对应的SAP标准功能是FI12,在ECC版本直接可以在FI12上创建银行账号,但HANA S4时默认时FI12是不可创建的,需要修改配置(网络上可找到),S4推荐的维护银行账号的方法是使用FIORI,在项目中也使用了WEBDypro做了一个更复杂的功能来实现,但我觉得一般需求来说,使用FIORI应该是最好的选择, …
  • 调用工商银行API接口


    在新的工商银行接口中时使用HTTPS的API,直接连接工商银行接口,可以不使用前置机,但增加RAS非对称加密,遇到了一些新问题,在这里记录下。 继续阅读 →

Different Types of JOINS in SAP HANA HOT

Hello everyone, in this SAP HANA Modeling tutorial, we will learn about Different Types of JOINS in SAP HANA. Lets get started. A Join is used to connect tables in SAP HANA.Below are the different join types Inner Join Left Outer Join Right Outer Join Text Join Referential Join Temporal Join 1....Read More >

Aggregate Expressions in ABAP CDS Views HOT

[crayon-662abb8ab2cf5552654812/] In the above example ABAP CDS view selects the total stock of the product by using the aggregate function SUM and GROUP BY product and category.2MAX[crayon-662abb8ab2d01763132932/] In the above example ABAP CDS view selects the maximum sale-ale settingss amount gener....Read More >

What is Fiscal Year variant HOT

A year which consists of 12 months of a period is called a Fiscal Year variant. In G/L accounting a Fiscal Year can have maximum 12 posting period and 4 special periods. We can use these special periods as optional as year ending adjustments purpose. [adsenseyu1] ....Read More >

How to use String Functions in ABAP CDS Views HOT

CONCAT(arg1, agr2) string function can be used to concatenate two character strings. [crayon-662abb8ab3eca327263918/]2CONCAT_WITH_SPACE(arg1, arg2, spaces)This string function is used to concatenate two character strings with space. The number of blanks between the arguments arg1 and arg2 is specifi....Read More >